The course will take place over 3 days and cover:
- Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
- Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)
- Total internal reflection microscopy (TIRF)
- High-throughput imaging
- Data mining, analysis and interpretation

Participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own samples.
The course will be opened by the Welcome Notes and Students Presentations. Students will be divided into four groups, which will rotate at the practical sessions. A typical block of practical session will include short technical and theoretical introduction, followed by the experiments and data analysis. We will also help participants to image and analyze their own samples throughout the course. The late afternoons will be open for participants to carry-out extra optional work on the instruments. In addition, the sponsoring companies will present their instruments and provide extra tutorials for the participants.
Throughout the course the participants will have opportunity to discuss their projects with the course lectors and experts from the field.
The course will end with an overview of the course and participants will be asked to comment on the course content and utility.